Communications & Marketing
Communications & Marketing offers strategic communications planning and collateral to advance RTC’s mission, vision and values. We find and promote stories that highlight the priorities outlined in the strategic plan, including equity, community, and resilience. Our team works closely with all college departments to tell the story and raise the profile of RTC and support departments on campus with their marketing needs.
Among our services:
- Copywriting and editing
- Graphic design – including logos, fliers, and recruitment and outreach materials, like program cards, event fliers and posters.
- Media relations
- Readerboard and display monitor announcements
- Social media strategy
- Website content and updates
Do you need help with a project? Submit your request here.
If you have questions about how best to proceed with a publication or a project, please contact Katherine Hedland Hansen.
Katherine Hedland Hansen
Executive Director of College Relations and Marketing
(425) 235-2356