Excellent Performance

Performance indicators. This student:

GPA Percentage
4 95 - 100%
3.9 93 - 94%
3.8 91% - 92%
3.7 90%
3.6 89%

Above-Average Performance

Performance indicators. This student:

GPA Percentage
3.5 88%
3.4 87%
3.3 86%
3.2 85%
3.1 84%
3 83%
2.9 82%
2.8 81%
2.7 80%
2.6 79%

Average Performance

Performance indicators. This student:

GPA Percentage
2.5 78%
2.4 77%
2.3 76%
2.2 75%
2.1 74%
2 73%

Minimum Performance

Performance indicators. This student:

GPA Percentage
1.9 72%
1.8 71%
1.7 70%
1.6 69%
1.5 68%
1.4 67%
1.3 66%
1.2 65%
1.1 64%
1 61 - 63%

Unsatisfactory Performance

Performance indicators. This student:

GPA Percentage
0 < 61%

Grading Policy

Grading criteria are determined by the instructor. These criteria and how grades are achieved must be shared, in writing, with the student on the first day the student begins class. For courses that are taught within professional-technical programs, grading criteria and policies will be shared in writing with students on the first day that the course is taught. Grading policies must be on file and approved by the instructor's dean.


Grades will be submitted as decimals which students can convert as follows: (Exceptions where required)

Decimal Grade Letter Equivalent
4.0-3.9 A
3.8-3.5 A-
3.4-3.2 B+
3.1-2.9 B
2.8-2.5 B-
2.4-2.2 C+
2.1-2.0 C
1.9-1.5 C-
1.4-1.2 D+
1.1-1.0 D
0.0 F

The following grades can only be submitted for courses that are designated on the course coding sheet as having that option.

Grade Appeal

Grade Symbol Grade Definition
S Satisfactory
An "S" grade indicates the student satisfactorily completed the intended course outcomes. It is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average.
U Unsatisfactory
The "U" grade indicates the student did not satisfactorily complete the intended course outcomes. It is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average.
Y In Progress
A "Y" grade indicates a student is passing coursework but needs additional instruction and time to complete course outcomes. Students are required to re-enroll for the course and pay any fees. The ‘Y’ remains on the transcript for the quarter assigned, while the final grade will be posted to the quarter in which the student re-enrolled in the course. The ‘Y’ grade earns no credit and is not factored into the quarter/cumulative grade point average.
I Incomplete


When a student is not able to complete a class for extenuating circumstances, an instructor may assign an incomplete. It should be assigned ONLY when there is a reasonable expectation that the student will complete the specified work in the time allowed without additional instructional time. To receive an "I" grade, the student MUST have an “Incomplete Grade Agreement” signed by the student, instructor, and the dean submitted to Enrollment Services prior to the grade being assigned. An ‘I’ grade reverts to the assigned “grade without completion” after one quarter (not including summer) unless otherwise specified on the incomplete grade agreement.

An "I" grade may impact the student’s funding eligibility (ex. federal or state financial aid, scholarships, VA, etc.).

CR Credit
A "CR" grade indicates the student completed the course with a minimum 2.0 grade point average. It is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average.
NC No Credit
A "NC" grade indicates the student did not complete the course with a minimum 2.0 grade point average. No credit is earned. It is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average. A ‘NC’ grade may impact the student’s funding eligibility (ex. federal or state financial aid, scholarships, VA, etc.).
N Audit
An audit means the student registers on a space-available basis to attend the class and to listen, but not do graded work. The student pays full tuition and fees, but attends class for information only. The "N" grade does not earn credit and does not affect the GPA. Once registered for an audit, the student cannot change to a graded option.

Repeating a Course
The qualifier "R" on a transcript means a course has been repeated, and is excluded from credits and grade point average. All grades will still appear on the transcript whether repeated or not. Students may repeat a course twice - this is defined as two repeats in addition to the original enrollment (for a total of 3 attempts). The highest grade earned will be used to calculate the grade point average.
Exceptions to the rule include extenuating circumstances:

- At the discretion of the college, students with extenuating circumstances may receive permission to enroll in a course for a fourth attempt. These extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to, medical or military withdraws as defined in state statute, course required for a certificate or degree with limited or no substitute option, significant break in enrollment, or mandated training for employment.

- Variable Credit Courses - A student may enroll in a variable credit course as many times as necessary to complete the entire curriculum and credit value of the course. However, a student may not repeat any portion of a variable credit course that has already been completed.

- Students who retake a previously passed course more than once may become ineligible for federal or state financial aid.  Students who receive veteran benefits may not be certified for, or receive compensation for, repeating a course they have previously passed.


Unofficial Withdrawal
Students who attend briefly or rarely and who do not officially withdraw from a course or a program with a "W" grade, may be assigned a grade of "V" at the discretion of the instructor. To assign a "V" grade, the instructor must include the last date of attendance. The "V" grade does not earn credit. It is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average.
A "V" grade may impact the student’s funding eligibility (ex. federal or state financial aid, scholarships, VA, etc.).


A student may officially withdraw from a class by completing the appropriate form and submitting it to Enrollment Services by the eighth week of the quarter. After the eighth week, the student cannot receive a "W" and will be graded based on the course requirements as described in the course syllabus. A withdrawal prior to the 10th day of the quarter is not listed on the transcript. After the 10th day of the class, a "W" will appear on the student’s transcript but it is not factored into the quarterly/cumulative grade point average. An official withdrawal can only be initiated by a student.

A "W" grade may impact the student’s funding eligibility (ex. federal or state financial aid, scholarships, VA, etc.).

Grade Appeal

A student who feels he did not get the grade he earned must first speak to the instructor involved. If the dispute is not resolved, the student may file a grade appeal with the supervising dean. 
Grade appeals must be based on: 

A grade appeal MUST be filed within two (2) instructional days of the end of the quarter. A grade appeal filed after one (1) quarter in which the grade was earned, will not be considered. The student will be notified of the result of their grade appeal via email within four (4) instructional days of filing. The Grad Appeal Form can be found on the Student Forms Library page.