The ASG is the representative voice of the RTC Student Body. ASG members are responsible for representing student interests to the college administration and for facilitating the organization of a broad range of student committees that work to address issues and concerns and promote services that enhance students' experience at RTC. The Director of Student Leadership and Programs serves as an adviser to the ASG. The ASG has two bodies; the Executive Board and the 25+ member Senate, all of which are paid student positions.

ASG Executive Board

The ASG Executive Board has up to seven specialized positions who participate (August through June). All board members work with each other and campus groups to provide activities and events and work in the ASG office up to 17 hours per week.  All students enrolled in a full-time program and have earned a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA are eligible to apply.

Executive Board Members are required to:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher throughout the tenure
  • Be enrolled in a full-time program (except summer)
  • Work 10-17 hours per week
  • Engage in the Senate Assembly meetings every other week
  • Attend weekly ASG meetings
  • Participate in E Board training and travel throughout the year as available and warranted
  • Participate in RTC Councils

The Executive Board is made up of the following positions; with the associated duties and responsibilities:

The President oversees and engages with all aspects of the Associated Students in order to represent and advocate for the diverse needs of RTC students. They chair Associated Students assembly meetings and represent the students at Board of Trustees and other committee meetings. The President provides collaborative servant leadership for the Executive Team and the operations of the ASRTC.

Vice President
The Vice President assumes the duties of the President in their absence and represents the students at select committees. They coordinate all Associated Students Hiring Committees, ensuring a transparent and ethical process for all applicants. They lead, in collaboration with the Administrative Coordinator and Events and Engagement Coordinator, the coordination and creation of the Associated Students Events and Activities Calendar.

Club Coordinator
The Club Coordinator trains, administrates, and advises all clubs and student organizations. They work to enhance and improve the club system at RTC; inspiring clubs and their leaders to make a greater impact on the college and local community. The Club Coordinator is responsible for leading all events related to clubs and club engagement.

Administrative Coordinator
The Administrative Coordinator communicates with all departments, clubs and organizations requesting funding or approval from the Senate. They are responsible for creating the agenda for Senate and Executive Team meetings, taking and distributing meeting minutes and tracking Student Government budgets.

DEI, Student and Legislative Affairs Coordinator
The DEI, Student and Legislative Affairs Coordinator advocates for the diverse needs of students regarding their personal, cultural and social well-being. They use insight from surveying and interviewing students to guide the efforts of Student Government and to design events and activities to further positive change, healthy discourse and community. They engage with state and local legislature to advocate for the needs of RTC students.

Events and Engagement Coordinator
The Events and Engagement Coordinator plans and coordinates the majority of events and activities hosted by the Associated Students. They maintain the relationship between the Office of Student Leadership and Programs (OSLP) and event service departments. This position is responsible for engaging and recruiting students for volunteering opportunities, Senate positions, etc. They lead the planning and execution of the yearly Unity Festival.

Media and Promotion Coordinator
The Media and Promotion Coordinator manages all social media, print advertising and promotional materials for the Office of Student Leadership and Programs (OSLP). They create attractive and engaging marketing materials to promote Office of Student Leadership and Programs (OSLP) activities, events and services to the RTC community. This position supervises the posting of promotional materials on Associated Students posting boards and table tents throughout campus.

ASG Senate

The ASG Senate is the larger representative voice of the RTC Student Body, comprised of 25+ students from all RTC programs. ASG Senators are responsible for allocating more than $500,000 annually in student fees, sanctioning student organizations, and for voting on legislation proposed by the ASG Executive Board.

Some funding allocations include:

  • Approving an ASG budget of over $500,000
  • Approving club applications and club budgets
  • Respond to special funding requests
  • Report back on college council meetings
  • Work on other campus entities for successful events
    • Foundation events
    • Campus events and activities
      • Welcome back events
      • Unity Festival
      • Holiday celebrations
      • Lunar New Year

What are the requirements to serve as an ASG senator?

  • Be currently enrolled at RTC in at least five credits/quarter
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.1
  • Attend and participate in ASG Senate Assembly meetings


Come by the Office of Student Leadership and Programs for all things Student Government, clubs, and events and activities!
Building J - Room 216

Join the Associated Students Government!