[New Certificate] Teaching Essentials: Skills for the 21st Century

This online four-course series gives those interested in teaching as well as faculty that come from the field with little or no teaching experience, the tools to be prepared to meet and engage students where they are. There are no textbook costs for this program. It results in a 12-credit short-term Teaching Essentials Certificate. Each course is 24 OSPI clock hours.

Teaching Essentials Certificate Program Outcomes:

  1. Organize and facilitate various learning spaces.
  2. Implement appropriate instructional methodologies.
  3. Assist and assess diverse learners.
  4. Utilize the internet as a learning tool and a collaborative platform for continued learning.

“I had little teaching experience. This not only got me on my feet, it propelled me forward into becoming the kind of teacher that can help my students succeed.”

-Joseph Isaacks, Application Development Faculty.

Courses are taught on a rotating basis through the continuing education department at RTC.

See the Schedule

EDUC 200 Introduction to Course Instruction

This course focuses on the first steps of organizing a class and getting ready to teach. By successfully planting the right seeds - understanding adult learners, how to write outcomes and assignments, a syllabus, and lesson plans - you can create the beginnings of a successful class.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of adult learning theories
  2. Write measurable student learning outcomes
  3. Develop and write a clear course syllabus in student-centered language
  4. Create a transparent assignment
  5. Write lesson plans for your course

EDUC 231 Managing the Learning Environment

This course covers the next steps in teaching:  the basics of classroom management and student engagement and assessment, covering various issues and practices, making use of scenarios and real-life situations.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Articulate a variety of strategies for teaching effectively.
  2. Differentiate and utilize various types of assessments to optimize learning.
  3. Integrate basic Reading Apprenticeship (RA) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) methodologies in your instruction.
  4. Align assessments with learning outcomes.

EDUC 170 Technology for Teaching and Learning

This course is designed to give you a chance to become familiar with useful technology for your course modality and subject matter. Considerations and ideas regarding AI as a tool for both teachers and students will be explored, along with the continuous impacts that technology is having on teaching and learning.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Articulate several ways that technology can increase student engagement and learning.
  2. Demonstrate the use of technology relevant to your subject matter and modality.
  3. Utilize the internet as a learning tool and a collaborative platform for continued learning.

EDUC 282 Integrating Cultural Diversity into the Curriculum

This online course focuses on awareness of diversity and equity issues; to develop skills in teaching diverse students to ensure that all are treated equitably and to help students interact with one another with an understanding and appreciation of fundamental similarities while celebrating diversity.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Analyze diversity, along with equity and inclusion practices, at your own institution.


  2. Articulate the importance of diversity awareness in the college classroom.


  3. Evaluate strategies for developing and maintaining a cooperative classroom community.


The Teaching Essentials Certificate addresses the following Skills Standards for Professional-Technical College Instructors:

  • A. Manage Learning Environments:
    • A1 Research, evaluate and obtain required equipment, systems, tools, supplies, and materials
    • A7 Identify, evaluate, and implement new instructional strategies and technologies
  • B Develop Outcomes, Assessments, and Curricula:
    • B1 Identify, evaluate, and modify outcomes
    • B2 Create, evaluate, and modify curriculum
    • B3 Create, evaluate, and modify assessments
    • B4 Implement curriculum and assessments.
  • D. Provide Student Instruction
    • D1 Prepare and/ or gather current instructional materials
    • D3 Initiate, develop, and implement student assessments
    • D4 Modify instructional material and methods based on student and industry assessments and feedback
    • D5 Promote professionalism in the learning environment

As well as: Utilize the Internet and social media to connect with educators and continue professional development.

Teaching Essentials Faculty

Questions? Contact Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning Director Christie Fierro at cfierro@rtc.edu